Advanced Printing Technology
Advanced Printing Technology and Cutting-Edge Equipment
PrintSource360 utilizes the most advanced technology in the printing industry. Our national network of production facilities are fully-equipped with the newest offset, digital and large format presses. In addition, we utilize the latest G7 printing and proofing controls to assure that projects printed at various times and across multiple facilities will match in color and quality, providing superior print quality and consistent delivery to our customers.

G7 - Highest Standard of Excellence and Quality
G7 was developed by the IDEAlliance and GRACoL committee. It describes how to use the principles of digital imaging, spectrophotometry, and computer-to-plate technologies to achieve these color matches using quality inks and papers. By using gray balance, consistent color reproduction can be performed multiple times. In addition, our production controls and processes allow us to meet customer expectations, improve internal workflows and drive out excess costs. These standards and tight production process controls provide our customers with the highest quality products through consistent and accurate color printing from proof-to-press.